The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. It can be challenging to keep pace with the latest trends and best practices. That’s why many businesses partner with agencies that specialize in this area. But what does the future hold for digital marketing agencies? Here’s a look at some trends we believe will shape the industry in the years to come.
The pharmaceutical and healthcare marketing environment has typically lagged 3 to 5 years behind the rest of the pack. The future centers around AI and omnichannel marketing. When speaking about omnichannel, it’s not just about being everywhere at the same time and having a common voice and message; or even about articulating to particular audiences. It’s more about automation and how we use technology. We use digital marketing technologies and AI to automate the way we reach out to audiences, to identify those audiences, and to create interactions with them across channels and devices in a way that is intelligent and intuitive. It’s actually based on data that we collect in real time to make decisions about how we want to reach out to those audiences. It’s a dynamic way of approaching marketing and advertising.
In the next 5 to 10 years, we’re going to see a lot more AI used in marketing. We’re going to see more automation. We’re going to see a greater focus on understanding the audiences that we’re trying to reach and creating interactions with them in dynamic and intelligent ways. So, it’s not just a “one-to-many” communication—rather, it’s a “many-to-one” communication. It’s personalized. It’s relevant. It’s timely. What we see happening in the future of digital marketing agencies is that they will need to be more focused on data and technology and on how to use those tools to create better customer experiences. Agencies will need to become more agile and amenable to change, because the landscape itself is changing so rapidly.
If agencies truly want to make their messaging relevant and engaging, they will need to automate. They will need to learn from and develop relationships with their customers in ways that feel highly personable, even as they aggregate content from across the internet, from known users and known user profiles. In particular, digital marketing agencies will need to focus on using data to:
- Learn about individual customers and cultivate relationships with them
- Automate tasks and processes
- Deliver personalized content at scale
- Measure results and optimize campaigns in real time
In order to do this, digital marketing agencies will need to invest in data management platforms (DMPs) and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. They’ll also need to build up their capabilities in data analysis and machine learning to deliver amazing customer experiences and produce optimal results from their campaigns.
The more personable that marketing automation can feel to the end customer, the more engaged they will become and the more actively they will respond. It’s going to be about creating those one-to-one relationships at scale that move beyond just the, “Hey, we’re sending you an email because it’s Tuesday.” Our approach is going to be much more engaging than we currently imagine.
Are you ready to embrace the future of digital marketing?
by Scott Reese